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Evoking the Spirit of A Legendary Creature, Evergreen's Dire Wolf Wild 7

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Evoking the Spirit of A Legendary Creature, Evergreen's Dire Wolf Wild 7

Post by Cal »

Evoking the Spirit of A Legendary Creature, Evergreen's Dire Wolf Wild 7


Introduction: The search for one fishing rod to handle the needs of almost every application and technique is different for each and every angler. Afterall, not every angler fishes the same methods throughout their day, season, or year. Even so, we're usually talking about techniques like jigs to unweighted soft plastics to spinnerbaits to crankbaits, and so on. You know, conventional applications. For some time now, over in Japan, manufacturers have been producing sticks with a somewhat unusual list of specifications to handle all this and more. These sticks typically measure somewhere around seven feet (7'-0") in length and are built with a lure rating of up to three ounces or so. I like to refer to them as having a "magic spec" because they can handle everything from conventional baits to small swimbaits. 2022 marks the year Evergreen International debuted their latest take on this magic spec. Here's our look at their Inspiraire GTR-C70MHR-SXF Dire Wolf.

Complete Article: http://tackletour.com/reviewegdirewolf.html
Cal, Managing Editor
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Re: Evoking the Spirit of A Legendary Creature, Evergreen's Dire Wolf Wild 7

Post by goldrod »

How can one resist

I saw that there are two handle lengths for these rods
But correct me if I’m wrong that’s the only differences?
I may have to go back and re read the article
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Re: Evoking the Spirit of A Legendary Creature, Evergreen's Dire Wolf Wild 7

Post by goldrod »

finally got this rod in and hopefully will be tossing a few things tomorrow.
initial inspection of this rod is that it reminds me of a short power versatile and dead sword offspring.
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Re: Evoking the Spirit of A Legendary Creature, Evergreen's Dire Wolf Wild 7

Post by goldrod »

took this rod out for two days and I used a variety of techniques. I was under impressed with a slow geared reel that i was using and switched to steez limited and custom painted zillion i once thought of selling..
both on the boat and on the bank I have found this rod to be one of those rods possessing precision, power, good amount of sensitivity. This rod launches hard and soft swimbaits like nothing and the shorter handle is great for fishing docks and yet it can be used on the bank to make some of the most accurate cast. I used a weighted megabass vatalion, 1/2 ounce buzz baits, gan craft 168's and many other moving baits of various sizes. I came to love the rod with the zillion and I would say that its one of those rods that you should have in your lineup because it can do so many things but it just does them so well

it is not at all like the other dire wolf. They are both great rods but this one I can see with me at all times no matter where I am
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