Turn That Blank Around : A Rainshadow Wrap for BFS Techniques
Introduction: As reel manufacturers rush to get their take on the BFS movement to market, it seems rod manufacturers have a little catching up to do. The selection of available casting rods to support the light line movement just isn’t quite there, so what’s an enthusiast to do? Well, although the built rod options may be few and far between, blanks to enable the movement already exist. They’re just being used to produce spinning rods. So why not just take some of these blanks and turn them around? Batson Enterprises steps in to help us find out. Here’s my journey with their Rainshadow Eternity ETES72ML-SS blank.
Complete Article: http://www.tackletour.com/reviewrainsha ... build.html
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Turn That Blank Around : A Rainshadow Wrap for BFS Techniques
Turn That Blank Around : A Rainshadow Wrap for BFS Techniques
Cal, Managing Editor
"fish with mindfulness : beware the darkside"
"fish with mindfulness : beware the darkside"