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RatRumble : The Waking Dead – Illude’s Zombie Rat

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:57 am
by Cal
RatRumble : The Waking Dead – Illude’s Zombie Rat


It has been almost exactly one year since I wrote about the Illude Rad Rat, a lure I called “my favorite topwater custom swimbait,” and the very bait that made me fall in love with fishing custom rats. Since that time my collection of rats has grown significantly, and yet my affinity for the Rad has not diminished, which is on clear display with the amount of rash that can be found on that original bait. Over the last year I have also tried to bolster my Illude arsenal and started delving deeper into the brand’s other resin baits from their Lunker Fighters line, including the similar profiled resin Zombie Rats. While it easy to assume that the Zombie is simply a resin variation of the Rad this undead bait’s unique waking behavior, performance, and origin might just surprise you.

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