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Go Light or Go Home: The Okuma Helios HS-CM-701M

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:22 am
by Cal
Go Light or Go Home: The Okuma Helios HS-CM-701M


Introduction: Anglers hear the words “lightweight” and “sensitive” all the time. They are two of the most used words in the world of fishing and rod marketing, but unfortunately the respective product sometimes falls short. I've become so conditioned to reading or hearing this that it now means very little to me when a company or pro angler announces it in their latest advertising strategy.

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Re: Go Light or Go Home: The Okuma Helios HS-CM-701M

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 2:06 pm
by Hobie-Wan Kenobi
I fished with the exact model reviewed bt TT. It is light and very sensitive. It can handle weights a tad lower than the 1/4 oz its rated for. I feel the rod isn't as forgiving on the other side of the spectrum. 5/8 oz is really pushing the rod. I use 3/16 oz jigs and weightless plastics and its fine. Great rod.