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Waiting on Stella

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 7:06 am
by BasserJim
(Just a precursor, this is way better if you read it in your head either in the voice of Morgan Freeman, or the guy that narrates the movie A Christmas Story :lol: )

Friday, 08:00. 22 degrees F, a light snow is falling over the frosty landscape of northwest Pennsylvania. I wait in nervous anticipation of Stella’s arrival, the freezing hellstorm not able to cool the joyous warmth in my heart at the knowledge that we will be united soon. Tracking has updated to show that she did indeed make it to the post office safely, further heightening my anticipation of her arrival. My brain starts to think of potential subject lines for the post on my forums. Our fate is in the USPS’s hands now, hope they hurry.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't think I should take up writing anytime soon

Re: Waiting on Stella

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:34 am
by medicpelle
That is good stuff Jim. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Waiting on Stella

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:46 pm
by ScoobyDoo
Congrats!! Make sure you inspect it closely...I had two in a row show up with sideplates and wrash guards on the rotor that weren't alligned. And had very sharp exposed edges.