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Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:02 am
by Scot
Can you find a place in your company for me that will

A. Pay me alot of money

B. Allow me to fish ALOT!

C. Allow me to travel about a week per month

D. Allow me to be office/design/experimental/prototype making staff so I can spend my time in the office OR the shop depending upon my mood that day.



:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I'm 38 years old so you'll get several years outta' me :) :)


Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:24 am
by Bantam1
I make less than you think

I fish less than you think

I travel a lot but its not as glamorous as you probably imagine. Just ask Jack and Alex how long I was at the airport in Mazatlan...

We have engineers to develop products. We select designs and let them know what features we are looking for. Currently we have no openings. You could try to learn Japanese and move to Osaka. They might be looking for someone...


No sorry

Well I'm 30 so I have a few more years left in me. Add almost 5 years with the company and well seniority is nice ;)


Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:17 am
by Scot
Well Darn! :(

Give me the above job in a water community where I can live....that's just perfect :)

It would just be nice to get involved in something related to fishing as opposed to making things that are literally and specifically intended to end peoples lives for a change. I suppose it could also be viewed as saving peoples lives as well I guess...but still.